Come on, walk with me...

Monday, May 11, 2009


So I was recently (about a minute ago, lol) browsing on a frequently visited by me website called I found an article on How to be Happier. An instant contentment boost is to list things that you are grateful for, counting your blessings, and the like. So here I go... I am going to attempt ten things that I am grateful for in my life.

1. My beautiful son, the light of my life.
2. My wonderful husband who makes every day just a little better with a kiss.
3. I am grateful that I live in nice, quiet Frisco, TX. Where the crime rate is low and family values are high.
4. I am grateful for my husband's job which allows me to be a SAHM. I can raise my son how I see fit and get my day full of chores, and errands done.
5. I am grateful for my church. I have found a great church that welcomed me as family as soon as I walked in the door. That is so hard to find and I am so glad that I did.
6. I am grateful for all of the wonderful people I have in my life! My grandmother is at the very top of my list. She is my rock, and I don't know where I would be without her.
7. Healthcare. I am so grateful for the health insurance that we have. Sounds weird to put that on this list, but it makes life so much nicer knowing that if Lance gets a fever I can take him to the dr with no hassle.
8. My dog. I am grateful for her because no matter how bad I am feeling, she can make is all better with just a little nuzzle of her snout. She loves me unconditionally!
9. Speaking of love.... I am grateful for all the love that I have to give and that is returned to me. After all, what is a life without love?
10. My apt. I am grateful for my apartment. It is not the mansion I used to dream of living in as a child, but it is a nice, and cozy home. Where I can make homemade meals for my family, and of course, it is a ROOF over our head at night.

There's my list! I encourage all of you to make one of your own. I will be making one periodically to remind myself what a lucky girl I really am!